What’s the story behind how you got in to modelling?
I’ve wanted to be a model since I was about 14 but never really knew how to get in to it. I thought I’d need a portfolio and that would cost a lot of money. In the end I just sent some instagram shots to the agency I’m with now and they basically took me on.
What’s been one of the highlights for you since you started modelling?
I’d say the Versace show that I did.
Where was that?
In Milan, Italy. That was the biggest shock that I’ve had so far in modelling, with Versace being one of the biggest in the industry.
What do you think you’ll be doing in 10 years time?
Hopefully my clothing brand will be out that I always wanted to have and obviously pursuing modelling as much as I can.
Favourite fragrance?
Dior Sauvage

Kai @kaixtaylor is represented in the UK by Venella One @venellaonemgmt
Soul Artist MGMT @soulartistmgmt in New York
Independent @independent_mgmt in Milan