Clothing provided by The Confessional Showroom NYC with designer highlights as follows:
Alexandro Fratelli
Refash Studios
Halomimi Label
Hat Couture Creations
Additional clothing provided by Joseph Abboud
*Photographer’s note:
This editorial was shot exclusively for Harlem Black in NYC last year. But, after a minor publishing setback due to Covid-19, we are finally at home with Ryker Mag. And, unfortunately, we are also here in the midst of a Black genocide in America.
As a Black artist, I have an obligation ‘to go to work . . . with no time to despair . . . self pity (or) . . . fear . . . That is how civilizations heal’, as Toni Morrison once said. This is one of my contributions in the midst of these tragedies as a reminder that my people are indeed beautiful. Black is beautiful; Black culture is beautiful; Black Lives are beautiful. Black lives matter.
Rest in Power to those we lost. No Justice; No Peace.
Photographer: Sean Patrick Watters @swatters
Models: David de Jesus @deyezzus Seth Hill @sethmmhill Gaël Carmans @gaelcarmans
Agencies: Soul Artist Management @soulartistmgmt DNA Model Management @dnamodels
Styling: Michael Stallings @mikestallingsny
Floral arrangements: Emily Scott @emilyhbic
Retouching and layout: Marco Massa @marcomassa